Protracted and expensive litigation is usually not the best way to resolve a dispute. Instead, Alternative Dispute Resolution may produce a far better result; in cost, speed, and certainty.
As advocates for our clients, we take pride in our ability to develop creative and efficient approaches to dispute resolution. So, it isn’t surprising that Berger Kahn attorneys are also available to serve as neutrals.
Berger Kahn neutrals bring a high level of energy and unparalleled commitment to every dispute. The firm’s attorneys put their experience and creativity to work as neutrals, helping resolve disputes by serving as mediators and arbitrators. We know to provide meaningful evaluative input, and we bring experience and training that make for an effective facilitator.
Berger Kahn’s affiliation with David Ezra Mediations offers litigants, attorneys, insurers, and others involved in civil disputes an opportunity to use certified and experienced neutrals. We are intimately familiar with substantive law and the practicalities attached to real-world ADR.
With an insurance coverage practice focus since 1990, and as an active mediator since 2005, David Ezra has helped litigants to settle countless matters, including many different types of civil disputes, such as:
- Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith
- Employment Disputes
- Class Actions
- Personal Injury
- Subrogation
- Landlord-tenant
- Equitable Contribution
- Business Disputes
- Construction
Contact Berger Kahn today to learn more about our ADR practice area.